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John Downs

Heart Transplant -May 8- 1989

35th Transplant Anniversary
Today (May 7, 2024) is the anniversary of the day that my donor died. He left his heart of gold for me. 35 years ago I was notified by the transplant coordinator on call that they had a new heart for me. I did not believe it at the time, but then quickly reality hit me that this was real and that the nightmare i had been stuck in for the previous 2 months was not some random and horrible dream.

I am forever grateful for this gift. This second chance; this gift of life. I have lived with and come to terms with the guilt that someone died and I lived; died so that I can live. In reality, the guilt feelings are not natural; his death circumstances, whatever caused his life to end, happened without any reason that was caused by me, however his death and his choice to be an organ donor has benefited me and kept me alive for the past 35 years. In 1989 | had actually never heard of heart transplantation. I was not ignorant, just young and healthy and had never known anyone who had needed a transplant.

There was no history of heart problems in my family; all of my relatives lived into their 80’s or 90’s. My wife and i were expecting our second child when i became ill. Idiopathic cardiomyopathy was my diagnosis with an estimated life expectancy of 3-4 months without a new heart. The road has not been easy or smooth at all. I was wheeled into surgery at 3 am on the 8th of May 1989.

Everyday since then i have been grateful and thankful for this gift. To everyone who i have met since and to everyone of my family and friends thank you for your love and support. Thank you to my transplant family and team and especially huge thank you to my donors mother and to you my donor. Thank you for giving me your heart of gold. I hope that i have kept this gift as strong and healthy and beautiful as you intended!


Thank you to my transplant family and team and especially huge thank you to my donors mother and to you my donor.

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